DJ booths, once synonymous with monotonous beats, have become theaters of rhythmic reinvention in 2024. This is largely thanks to artists like Stephani B, who are rewriting the rules of live electronic music with their dazzling displays of percussion prowess: technically proficient but furiously improvised when inspiration strikes.
Combining the rigor of a songwriter with the reckless abandon of a rock star, he's a breath of fresh air in a time when DJing has become predictable and devoid of the artistic expression of the moment. While many DJs lull crowds with hypnosis, Stephani caresses the air with his frenetic drumming, proving that even the most well-trodden musical paths can lead to new and exhilarating destinations in the hands of a skilled craftsman.
It takes a rare combination of drive and intuition to do what Stephani does. With riotous sequences of samples woven into clever dance remixes, her dynamic hybrid sets offer a unique and exciting performance by incorporating raw percussive energy with techno and house elements.
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When she's not wielding drumsticks like machetes on stage, Stephani, who recently toured with the Ibiza Orchestra, is also a formidable record producer. She recently signed with the management of Perfect Havoc, a renowned UK dance label with over 10 billion streams to her name.
Then came the release of “Sober (La Da Dee)“, a brilliant reworking of Crystal Waters' deeply influential “Gypsy Woman” that she produced with Movada.
Stephani's totally unique live performances led to a historic partnership with Roland, one of the world's most iconic manufacturers and distributors of electronic musical instruments, as the face of the company's SPD-SX PRO Sampling Pad product launch.
As a Roland ambassador, she continues to bring her sampling and looping expertise to a generation of dance music producers who are desperate to avoid the dangers of creative strangulation. That's why we've teamed up with her on a full sample of the Roland SPD-SX PRO sampling pad.
Check out Stephani's exclusive tutorial below.
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