One thing you need to know about former Destiny's Child singer Kelly Rowland is that she isn't— or the two, three, four or five. In fact, you might stop counting.
On Tuesday, the Mea Culpa actor-WHERE let it be known in February that she won't host a small TV show on any network if her dressing room isn't up to par and her needs aren't met — also let it be known that she won't be treated in any way as a bodyguard at the 77th Cannes Film Festival.
Here's what happened, according to me HuffPost:
Unverified video showed what apparently bothered the 'Mea Culpa' actor. Rowland, wearing a stunning red dress, smiled, waved and played to fans and photographers.
She is motioned by a crowd control person to move on and Rowland continues to enjoy the attention. Again the guard motions for her to proceed.
Rowland walks up the stairs and grabs a partner's hand and turns back to wave to the fans again. Two other security guards approach to hasten her ascent, and Rowland is seen touching the shoulder of one of them as if telling her to back off.
He then points at her and continues to scold her. Another guard intervenes as Rowland is seen speaking steadily and pointing. Finally, he enters the Palais.
On the one hand, the security guards have a job to do, and if the crowd gets excited, celebrities should be no exception. On the other hand, they probably wouldn't try to make Beyonce look like this while interacting with fans, and there's certainly plenty of—how shall I say—melanin-deficient celebrities, who would also be most welcome.
also—Come now—look how beautiful she was in that red dress.
Nah— go ahead and let Kelly press, security.
Now, some people may debate whether or not Rowland was out of line, but when it comes to the digital collection of black voices formerly known as Black Twitter, there's really no debate. Kelly Rowland is just one of those people we don't play for.
Here are some of the best answers in support of Kelly. Yep, we're rockin' with Kelly here. You better stop testing her.