The third and final installment of the Go-Betweens' box anthology series The G stands for Go-Betweenswill be released on December 13th. Spanning the 2000-2006 output of the beloved Australian indie-pop duo, the 4xLP, 7xCD set includes vinyl pressings of their last three albums—Rachel Worth's friends, Bright yellow bright orangeand Oceans Apart—plus dozens of rare and unreleased tracks. A collection of fourteen unreleased songs recorded in 1991 completes the set.
The fourth LP in the set is an acoustic radio session recorded for Bayern 2 Radio in Munich. Oceans Apart has been mixed for the LP repress by original producer Mark Wallis. B-sides, more radio sessions and demos round out the bonus material. See the full tracklist through Domino. The surviving member of the duo, Robert Forster, provides archival material and notes in a 112-page book that also includes other essays and writings. The first 421 orders come with a book from the late Grant McLennan's personal library and a signed bookmark by Forster.
THE The G stands for Go-Betweens The box set series launched with its first volume in 2015, covering their production between 1978 and 1984. The second volume, spanning '85-'89, arrived four years later.
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